Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ethical Telemarketing: An Oxymoron?

To some, the mere thought of telemarketing being ethical is as real as lawyers being honest, in other words, the idea is as stable as a three-legged chair. Telemarketers and the telemarketing industry as a whole are expected to strictly follow all of the different laws (The Do-Not-Call list, Telephone Consumer Protection Act, etc) in place, facing stiff sanctions for non-adherence. The Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission are trying to establish a federal do-not-call list where consumers register to block telemarketing calls.

As a rule, telemarketing agents are also expected to be professional, courteous and polite at all times. A single telemarketers infraction, deliberately or otherwise, will merit an investigation of all sorts but when prospects 'go postal' it's perfectly normal and acceptable behavior. Quite the norm nowadays, as being mean to telemarketers is understandable. It's a double standard that the whole industry of telemarketing has to live with on a daily basis.

People in general love to buy things but they hate the idea of being sold to. Sometimes they see the persistence of the telemarketer explaining why they need a particular product or service as beneficial as an invasion and violation of their right to freely choose what they want to purchase.
The root of all the negative reputation telemarketing has been getting isn't so much as the fraud and scams being perpetrated by boiler rooms, it's when legal and legitimate telemarketing companies call illegally. Fortunately for some companies they are able to get away with it simply because the average telephone consumer is unaware of their phone privacy rights. Nonetheless, you also must understand that though prospects may perceive all telemarketing calls annoying, the fact remains that many of the calls they will receive are still within the legally mandated rights of the telemarketing firm.

Telemarketing done legitimately is ethical. It is still a form of business and the means in which they are conducted are still within the bounds of what is acceptable to society and its laws which by the way are in place to ensure that telemarketing companies are expected to follow. Just because it's annoying doesn't mean that it's illegal.

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