Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bust Up the Myths of Cold-Calling

Human life is replete with myths. Some people follow them and others find them ridiculous. Even the business industry has been adorned with them. However, it is very crucial to draw the line between a false belief and an unspeakable truth. To embrace success in cold-calling, myths must be eliminated.

The painful truth is that some principles before are considered myths nowadays. Telemarketers should be aware of these deceits in order to focus on practices where effectiveness blooms.

Myth #1. Cold-calling is a numbers game. It is true that teleprospecting is a numbers game but for the traditional method of selling. Telemarketers cannot just make tremendous number of phone calls to generate more sales leads. Lead generation isn't a trial and error business. Reaching to the target audience drags a high rate of closed sale rather than talking to hundreds of people who does not care about a firm's product or service. In this case, companies should weigh which is more important for them- more calls but fewer quality leads or fewer calls and more sales.

Myth #2. Depend on sales script. Scripts provide great help in effective cold-calling. However, being dependent to sales script alone is not an appropriate thing to do. Well-rehearsed lines tend to be dull for the customers. Customizing a telemarketer's dialogue will be the tool to have a fruitful conversation.

Myth #3. Concentrate in closing a sale. One thing that triggers customers to hang up is the insensitivity of some telemarketers to push for an immediate sale. In most cases, it takes time to convert a sales prospect to a sales-ready status. Because of this, they are to be nurtured instead of always reminding them to buy the product or service. The more a cold-caller push, the faster he loses an opportunity.

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